1. Pump and flag

  1. Take the pump and put one of the longer tubes on to the outlet. Press the other end of the tube into a hole of one row of the breadboard.
  2. Take a flag and press it into another hole of that row.
  3. Take 2 plugs and seal the remaining 2 holes.
    Check that your circuit looks like the drawing on the right. Your circuit is done!
    Turn on the pump and play with the knob to increase/decrease pressure to the flag

Note: The atmospheric pressure around us is considered ‘normal’ pressure. This is the ‘ground’ pressure that all other pressures in the circuit are measured against. The pump can create up to 1 bar of pressure compared to the ‘ground’ pressure of the atmosphere around us.
Because the flag is releasing air to the atmosphere around us, we can say that one end of the flag is connected to ground. That is why there’s a ground-symbol (‘GND’) attached to the flag symbol in the schematic.