
  1. We’re going to build some circuits with the bird. The bird works by inserting a bellow into its body. When the bellow inflates, the wings move down. When the bellow deflates, the wings move up again.
  2. Build the breadboard setup. Use one of the thin, longer tubes (3×1.5mm) to insert into the male tubes.
  3. Turn on the pump and control the bird by moving the variable resistor slider up and down.
  1. Now we’re going to add a button. But we’ll still need the variable resistor to release the air from the bellow.
  1. Now let’s use the oscillating valve to control the bird. With the valve, you don’t have to press a button every time you want the bird to flap its wings.
  1. Finally, we’re going to make it a bit more difficult. Now we’re placing the bellow after the valve, and again we need a variable resistor to let the air escape.