
The frog is equipped with two bellows. These two bellows function as the legs. Several types of movement can be realised: Paper template


The gripper is equipped with a bellow. When the bellow is inflated, the fingers of the gripper close, thereby grasping the object. When the pressure in the bellow decreases, the …


The bird is equipped with a bellow in its body. By inflating the bellow, the bird flaps its wings down.

Valve (oscillator)

The oscillating valve opens and closes rapidly to let air flow through only part of the time. This allows for the creation of circuits that depend on some type of …


The bellow is normally deflated, but as air pressure inside the bellow increases, it expands. The bellow can be used to: Symbol

Flag (oscillator)

The flag oscillates when connected to an air flow. It fills up with air, but as the air reaches the end of the flag, the flag opens, thus releasing all …

Transistor (normally closed)

Transistors are like switches; they can be opened to let air flow through the white tubes, and closed to stop the air from flowing. This opening and closing is done …

Transistor (normally open)

Transistors are like switches; they can be opened to let air flow through the white tubes, and closed to stop the air from flowing. This opening and closing is done …

Push button

The push button is normally closed, but opens when pressed. The push button will always have some residual resistance even when fully opened, which is something to keep in mind …


The diode is a one-way valve. It only lets air flow through in one direction. The flow of direction is from the clear tube to the black tube. You can …